Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Handmade Soaps for Healthier Smooth and Supple Skin

You are concerned that your skin becomes pretty rough and dry after a bath and you have to douse yourself in plenty of moisturizing hand and body lotion afterwards. Stop. What soap are you using? What you might not know is that most soap products in our favorite stores are very harsh and that they lack one very important ingredient, glycerin. This product makes the main difference between manufactured and handmade soaps. In the commercial soap-making process glycerin, which is a product of the soap-making process, is extracted and sold for use in shampoos, creams and hand lotions manufacture. Next time you are shopping look for homemade soap and start experiencing the difference.

For the mass production of soap, industries mainly employ the hot process which makes use of detergents, preservatives, petroleum derivatives, and the much dreaded product SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate. Homemade soaps are manufactured via the cold process. The hot saponification process produces soap much faster than the cold process which may take up to six weeks. SLS is the product incorporated to cause foaming in the soap but tests have shown that SLS removes body oils thus leading to the onset of skin irritations and rashes.

Other than maintaining glycerin and lacking SLS in the final products, top quality natural handcrafted soaps come packed with herbs and essential oils. The herbs provide sensual and alluring aromas which perfume the body naturally. A revolutionary product in the best of handmade soaps is goat milk which contains plenty of essential enzymes, amino acids and vitamins, among other nutrients which are good for the skin.

Glycerin belongs to a group of products known as humectants which are recognized as natural moisturizers. Handmade soaps are good for the skin as well as the hair. The glycerin they contain moistens the skins as well as helping to retain some moisture from the atmosphere thus keeping the hair soft and the scalp healthy. This is therefore a two-in-one solution; no more buying skin soap and shampoo separately. Your baby's skin also becomes safer because SLS is absent from the soap. Using natural bath products further means that we are using green products as no synthetic by-products are released to the environment.

There is a whole variety of natural handmade soaps from different essential natural oils including coconut, olive, palm, sesame and cocoa butter oils. There are also different scents such as vanilla, citrus, lemon, frost berry, hemp, lime, eucalyptus, chamomile, rose, lavender, basil, jasmine and sandalwood which all have varying effects ranging from relieving headaches, congestion and tightened muscles, and acting as an aphrodisiac, energizing, invigorating and sleep-promoting agent. Homemade soaps are available in plenty of colors all of which are also natural.

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