Saturday, April 6, 2013

Beer Soap

Beer Soap

Ini pesenan customer sebenernya, bahan bakunya: Beer, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil dan vegetable shortening.

Untuk membuat sabun dengan menggunakan minuman beralkohol harus hati hati.
Baik bir maupun wine harus dalam kondisi 'flat' sebelum digunakan.

Beer Soap Benefits:
Hops add a relaxing effect, sooth irritated skin,
the polyphenols act as an anti-bacterial and
also contains skin-softening amino acids

Since beer is made with hops, the properties and benefits of hops become a skin blessing when used as the base for soap. Hops is known as a relaxing herb and that relaxing affect stays with the bar after going through the soap making process. Try soaping up after a hectic, stressful day. Takes relaxing with your favorite brew to a different level, doesn't it? Other benefits to Hops: soothes irritated skin; contains polyphenols thought to account for its anti-bacterial and preservative effects (beer's long life); contains skin-softening amino acids

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