Tuesday, June 4, 2013


"Is natural soap okay for sensitive skin?" We always tell them the same thing -
skin allergies and sensitivities are the only reason we make natural soap!


• artisan made by hand, not machine manufactured
• includes ONLY 100% natural ingredients
• all vegetable oils, contains no animal fats
• less likely to irritate sensitive skin

Most soap that you purchase at the supermarket is not actually soap, it is detergent
and has had the skin-loving glycerine removed and replaced with synthetic foaming
agents that are often irritating to the skin. A scary thought don’t you think? This is
why many people have allergic reactions to commercial soaps. With handmade soap, you
get 100% pure and natural SOAP!

Soap is made by a chemical process called saponification. Basically, vegetable oils are
blended with lye (caustic soda) which creates a chemical reaction that produces soap.
Using a specialised calculator to figure out the correct amount of lye, when the soap
has finished saponifying, there is NO LYE left. It has all been neutralised during the
chemical process.

Back when our grandmothers and their mothers made soap, their results were not
always consistent; one batch may turn out oily, the next batch may be too dry and
crumbly. Nowadays, it is much more of a scientific process and we know that each oil
has what we call a saponification value, which means we can calculate exactly how much
caustic soda is needed to neutralise the oils, resulting in mild, moisturising soaps that
don’t damage the skin or its natural oil content. Furthermore, during the saponification
process, glycerine is produced naturally and is extremely moisturising to the skin.


Q: Does your soap contain lye?
A: Soaps, both handmade and commercial are initially made by using lye (sodium
hydroxide) or a similar caustic agent. The process of soap making is a chemical
reaction. When made properly, no lye remains in the finished product; it is simply
the method needed for turning oils into soap.

Q: Will natural soap help eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis?
A: Soaps are not allowed to be promoted as having curative or medicinal properties
because they are not accredited or certified as ‘medicines’. However, from my own
experience with these types of skin conditions, they have certainly made a
difference in my life and for many of our regular customers too. Because they
contain NO synthetic ingredients or chemicals there is much less risk of an allergic

Q: Why does Howe Natural soap cost more than supermarket soap?
A: We use the best natural ingredients that we can find and make each batch of soap
by hand; no mass-production machinery used.

Q: How long does a bar of soap last?
A: Most couples tell us that a bar of our soap will last around four to five weeks,
provided of course that it is allowed to dry out in between uses and not left standing
in water (and not letting hubby stay in the shower for half an hour)!

If you have any further questions about natural soap, please don’t hesitate to email us
at thesoapville@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives indepth information. Thanks for this nice article. palm free soap


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