Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Manfaat Coklat Bagi Kulit

 Coklat bukan hanya enak dimakan lho... Manfaatnya juga banyak bagi kulit ^__^

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Ga aneh kan kalau kita mandi dengan sabun coklat? Selain itu, sudah banyak spa yang menyediakan spa coklat ^__^

Chocolate and beauty
The good news is some chocolate can have significant beauty benefits. The not terribly bad news is, the only chocolate that can deliver these benefits is dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content—which doesn’t apply to most treats found in the candy aisle at the grocery store, so choose wisely.

On the heart front, “cocoa contains naturally occurring plant substances called flavonoids that help keep platelets less sticky, decreasing your risk for heart attack or stroke from a clot,” explains Kristin Kirkpatrick, R.D., M.S., Wellness Manager for Cleveland Clinic's Lifestyle 180 program, and YouBeauty Nutrition Advisor.

According to Kirkpatrick, dark chocolate relaxes blood vessels, which in turn reduces blood pressure. Several studies suggest that it may also be a feel-good treat that increases production of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters.

Dark chocolate also helps combat beauty’s public enemy number one: Stress. Cocoa helps reduce stress hormones, which means less collagen breakdown in the skin, and fewer wrinkles.

Flavonols (the type of flavonoid found in chocolate) help your skin look its best. Flavonols are antioxidants that help your skin protect itself from UV damage (hello, fewer wrinkles) fight free radicals (so long, sun spots) and increase blood flow (i.e. dewy glow!).

In one study, flavonols in dark chocolate even improved skin hydration and thickness—both mega important for young-looking skin.

Source: http://www.youbeauty.com/nutrition/dark-chocolate-benefits

Antioxidant Goodies in Dark Chocolate

The cacao bean

Chocolate comes from the bean of cacao fruit. Cacao beans have been used medicinally for thousands of years. Fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidants — molecules that protect skin from environmental damage — containing 10,000 milligrams of flavanol antioxidants for every 100 grams of cacao. Compared to other foods, they’re among the best sources of antioxidants.

Antioxidants 101

Here’s how antioxidants fight free radicals and slow down damage.

  1. Free radicals. Our world contains harmful pollution, radiation, smoke and other chemicals, which create unstable molecules called free radicals. These unstable molecules “steal” electrons from nearby stable molecules. As a result, the formerly-stable molecules turn into free radicals, and a chain reaction ensues. So, what’s so bad about these free radicals? They can cause wrinkles, elasticity loss, skin damage and even cancer.
  2. Antioxidants. Fortunately, antioxidants save the day by donating one of their own electrons. This donation neutralizes the unhealthy chain reaction of free radicals. Even after donating an electron, antioxidants don’t become free radicals themselves. Instead, they remain stable and unaffected.

Skin benefits

Might prevent signs of aging. Because antioxidants in cacao defend against free radicals, they might be able to stave off lines, wrinkles and discoloration.

Might offer UV protection. According to a study in The Journal of Nutrition, participants who drank a special chocolate drink every day for 12 weeks experienced “25 percent less skin redness in response to UV exposure and also improved their skin texture and hydration,” writes Rory Evans in Allure.

Source: http://www.skincare-news.com/a-5496-Antioxidant_Goodies_in_Dark_Chocolate.aspx

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