Sunday, June 16, 2013

Homemade Body Bcrub Recipes


Get your skin ready for summer and pamper yourself on a budget using one of these homemade exfoliating body scrub recipes.

Three main ingredients of the body scrub are: exfoliators, carrier oils, and essential oils. An exfoliate could consist of sugar, sea salt, ground almonds or wheat bran. You can use either form of sugar, just make sure that with the brown sugar, you’re keeping a careful eye on the liquid ingredients so your scrub doesn’t dissolve into a thin paste. A carrier oil could be olive, grape-seed, hazelnut, or almond oil. The essential oils used here are for fragrance and healing. Grapefruit and orange essential oils gently stimulate and refresh. Lavender oil can help heal minor inflammations, and relieve day-to-day stress. Some other skin friendly oils include rose, rosemary, mandarin, jojoba, and chamomile. Do not use “fragrance oils” – they are chemical fakes that can cause irritation or even allergic symptoms. Try any of these recipes, or make your own, mixing your favorite exfoliate with carrier and essential oils.

Recipe 1:
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup carrier oil
10 drops vitamin E
10 drops essential oil

Recipe 2:
2 cups of ground coffee
1/2 cup sugar or sea salt
2-3 tablespoons of carrier oil

Recipe 3:
1/2 cup of poppy seeds
1/2 cup of carrier oil
10 drops orange essential oil

Recipe 4:
1 cup fine sea salt
1/2 cup carrier oil
10 drops grapefruit essential oil

Recipe 5:
2/3 cup sugar
2 mashed strawberries
6-8 drops rose/jojoba oil

Recipe 6:
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons ground oats
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon carrier oil

Recipe 7:
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup carrier oil
a shot of rum

Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and stir thoroughly. While taking a shower, scoop up some, not more than a teaspoon at a time, and massage gently using circular motions. Rinse and voila! Your skin is totally smooth and silky.
You can use these scrubs once a week. Keep in mind though, if you have rashes, acne, or sunburned skin, scrubs might make the condition worse.
I hope you enjoy these body scrub recipes!


Friday, June 14, 2013

The Beauty Secrets of Coffee

7 Benefits of Coffee For Skin | Coffee For Health

Coffee is delicious but do you know that coffee has a beauty secret. It can actually make you beautiful. It cannot only delight your day as you start your everyday activity but can also give you a lot of skin benefits. One of the best benefits that every person can get by drinking their daily dose of coffee is having an antioxidant, coffee are full of antioxidants. On a daily basis it is recommended to drink at least 2 to 3 glass of coffee.

It can also reduce the risk of having some disease such as cirrhosis of the liver, colon cancer, gallstones, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. Because of these benefits, can you imagine the goodness it can give if it is use for your skin?

• One of the most interesting benefits of having coffee is in your hair. Several spa uses coffee berry as protein treatment for hair. This protein treatment has a coffee ingredient. Since coffee is full of antioxidants, it can actually neutralize the chemicals that can damage your hair. Remember that coffee should not be directly applied to hair as colorant or treatment because it can create an adverse effect. Coffee is applied as a mixture and not as directly as it is. If you really want to use coffee at home, you can brew your coffee and apply it on your hair and let it sit for at least 20 minutes for a more soft and shiny look.

• Coffee can also be a perfect combination to treat dark eye circles together with vitamin K. it is a proven effective ingredient to neutralize the purple effect of circles under your eyes. You can now eliminate dark eye circles brought about by stress and lack of proper sleep. Coffee is known to be a vasodilator and it can reduce the puffiness under your eye. It can reduce the size of the blood vessel under your eyes. You can use eye creams together with coffee and apply it under your eye, but do not apply coffee as it is on your eye.

• It also has a wonderful benefit for your skin because it can lighten and brighten you skin. It also has anti inflammatory factors and you can use the coffee as a body scrub even at home. Caffeine can tighten your skin that is perfect to reduce occurrence of wrinkles and skin sagging. It is also by several spa treatment centers as an overall facial treatment. It can firm cellulite and reduce skin pigmentation. Coffee can really makes a person beautiful. Aside from making your day brighter, you can also brighten up your skin by using coffee as a beauty secret and regimen.

It is good to know that there are a lot of benefits that people can get on their cup of coffee. It is a very good beverage that people enjoy every day but you can also use your coffee to treat many skin conditions as you enjoy a cup of coffee every morning. Make your skin glow and bring back the beauty of your skin by having a coffee mixture.


7 Benefits of Coffee For Skin | Coffee For Health

1. Exfoliating dead skin and skin tightening.
Coffee grounds are mixed with the egg white. Apply this mixture as a gentle exfoliating dead skin as well as tighten the skin.

2. Brighten the face.
Combine 3 tablespoons of coffee grounds with a glass of pure cow's milk. Apply the mixture to the face and neck except eyes and lips as a face mask. Gently massage the skin, and leave for 20 minutes. Wash with water.

3. Reduce cellulite.
Coffee grounds mixed with olive oil. This mixture serves to eliminate cellulite. Apply this mixture to the appearance of cellulite, wrap with plastic, leave for 5 minutes, then wash with water

4. Moisturizing and making skin becomes relaxed.
Combine 3 tablespoons of coffee grounds with a tablespoon of cocoa powder, add a little water. Spread the mixture on face, leave for 30 minutes, wash with warm wet towel.

5. Smoothing the skin and streamline the body.
Pure crushed coffee beans. Brush the body by using a special brush body. Apply coarse ground coffee to all parts of the body and rub gently. In India, this custom is believed to streamline the body if done regularly, because the content of caffeine contained in coffee can destroy fat cells.

6. Remove black spots of acne scars.
Mix the coffee powder with the "baby oil" just enough, gently massage on face, especially in areas that are black spots of acne scars. If done routinely, can Remove black spots more quickly.

7. Lowers risk of skin cancer
Studies conducted at Rutgers University in New Jersey United States reinforce the theory that caffeine is a barrier of skin cancer because it can inhibit the enzyme or protein in the skin often called ART. Scientists have found that coffee grounds that applied directly on the skin can blocking UV rays that can lead to skin cancer.

These are 7 benefits of coffee for skin, may this article useful to all. Let get coffee :)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tutorial: Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice banyak sekali benefitnya bagi kesehatan. Jika akan diminum, airnya bisa ditambahkan dengan perasan lemon, orange juice atau bisa juga diganti dengan susu.

Berhubung kami akan memakainya sebagai base sabun, maka airnya kami pakai distilled water ^__^

Siapkan daun lidah buaya

Kupas semua kulitnya. Jangan lupa untuk membuang lapisan berwarna kuning yang menempel pada lidah buaya. Lapisan kuning tersebut juga bisa dibuang dengan membilasnya dalam larutan air yang dicampur dengan cuka (1 cup air + 1 sendok makan cuka)

Ambil bagian gel nya. Potong potong, tambahkan air (1 bagian lidah buaya dengan 3-4 bagian air), lalu blender.

Gampang kan? Artikel lengkapnya bisa dibaca di:

Handmade Soap For Your Family

Handmade soap may seem similar to the mass produced soap but this is not the case. When your family washes with everyday soap, they are using harsh chemicals which can cause problems and irritation as it strips and does not preserve their precious skin. Handmade soaps are sensational and feel great to use, they are made with premium essential oil and aromatics which protect skin and make it beautifully scented and moisturized.

Handmade soaps are gentle, and soothing and there is a soap to suit everybody in your family. Pure–Light’s range of hand made soap with natural ingredients include; tea tree, lemon, coconut, rose, lavender and jasmine among others. Handmade soaps contain blends of natural oils that promote a balancing effect to skin complexion. Often, no chemical or synthetic colour is added to handmade soaps. The natural colours are achieved with pure ingredients such as lavender which can colour soap a pale purple or blue. The colouring techniques used are natural, are friendly to the skin and have no side effects at all.

Skin has to look attractive and radiate health to enable you feel confident, so you need natural moisturizing soaps that would not age or destroy your family’s skin. In handmade soap, Glycerin is often used as a soap base because it naturally hydrates skin and creates a superior soap even though it is costly.  Big soap manufacturing companies eliminate Glycerin because it’s so expensive, but it has great benefits for skin and wonderful moisturizing lather.  It is made through a traditional process, saponification which helps keep moisturization in the soap.

Your family’s skin may age prematurely and dry if you’re using conventional soaps most of the time. These soaps may seem okay to look at but they contain cheap industrial detergents which are normally made with animal fats and are not healthy for your skin. One advantage of  handmade soap is that it prevents dehydration and cares for the skin so that cleansing is a gentle and soothing experience.  Handmade soap is skin friendly, it pampers the skin and doesn’t dehydrate or strip the natural PH balance.

The ingredients are carefully combined to benefit family skin and promote health often through aromatherapy which also makes handmade soap smell so nice. Pure-Light handmade soaps are enriched with essential oils and they consider the aromatherapy and natural advantages to the skin. In today’s world, people are beginning to note the benefits of natural soaps which are chemical free and their popularity is growing rapidly. Many people are looking for the alternatives due to the effects caused by synthetic products.

Everyone wants healthy skin for their family and should try handmade soap. It leaves skin feeling soft especially for children prone to sensitive skin or allergies, you will see and feel the benefits after the first wash. Handmade soap is a natural, affordable way to protect your family‘s gentle skin.


Handmade Soaps for Healthier Smooth and Supple Skin

You are concerned that your skin becomes pretty rough and dry after a bath and you have to douse yourself in plenty of moisturizing hand and body lotion afterwards. Stop. What soap are you using? What you might not know is that most soap products in our favorite stores are very harsh and that they lack one very important ingredient, glycerin. This product makes the main difference between manufactured and handmade soaps. In the commercial soap-making process glycerin, which is a product of the soap-making process, is extracted and sold for use in shampoos, creams and hand lotions manufacture. Next time you are shopping look for homemade soap and start experiencing the difference.

For the mass production of soap, industries mainly employ the hot process which makes use of detergents, preservatives, petroleum derivatives, and the much dreaded product SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate. Homemade soaps are manufactured via the cold process. The hot saponification process produces soap much faster than the cold process which may take up to six weeks. SLS is the product incorporated to cause foaming in the soap but tests have shown that SLS removes body oils thus leading to the onset of skin irritations and rashes.

Other than maintaining glycerin and lacking SLS in the final products, top quality natural handcrafted soaps come packed with herbs and essential oils. The herbs provide sensual and alluring aromas which perfume the body naturally. A revolutionary product in the best of handmade soaps is goat milk which contains plenty of essential enzymes, amino acids and vitamins, among other nutrients which are good for the skin.

Glycerin belongs to a group of products known as humectants which are recognized as natural moisturizers. Handmade soaps are good for the skin as well as the hair. The glycerin they contain moistens the skins as well as helping to retain some moisture from the atmosphere thus keeping the hair soft and the scalp healthy. This is therefore a two-in-one solution; no more buying skin soap and shampoo separately. Your baby's skin also becomes safer because SLS is absent from the soap. Using natural bath products further means that we are using green products as no synthetic by-products are released to the environment.

There is a whole variety of natural handmade soaps from different essential natural oils including coconut, olive, palm, sesame and cocoa butter oils. There are also different scents such as vanilla, citrus, lemon, frost berry, hemp, lime, eucalyptus, chamomile, rose, lavender, basil, jasmine and sandalwood which all have varying effects ranging from relieving headaches, congestion and tightened muscles, and acting as an aphrodisiac, energizing, invigorating and sleep-promoting agent. Homemade soaps are available in plenty of colors all of which are also natural.


"Is natural soap okay for sensitive skin?" We always tell them the same thing -
skin allergies and sensitivities are the only reason we make natural soap!


• artisan made by hand, not machine manufactured
• includes ONLY 100% natural ingredients
• all vegetable oils, contains no animal fats
• less likely to irritate sensitive skin

Most soap that you purchase at the supermarket is not actually soap, it is detergent
and has had the skin-loving glycerine removed and replaced with synthetic foaming
agents that are often irritating to the skin. A scary thought don’t you think? This is
why many people have allergic reactions to commercial soaps. With handmade soap, you
get 100% pure and natural SOAP!

Soap is made by a chemical process called saponification. Basically, vegetable oils are
blended with lye (caustic soda) which creates a chemical reaction that produces soap.
Using a specialised calculator to figure out the correct amount of lye, when the soap
has finished saponifying, there is NO LYE left. It has all been neutralised during the
chemical process.

Back when our grandmothers and their mothers made soap, their results were not
always consistent; one batch may turn out oily, the next batch may be too dry and
crumbly. Nowadays, it is much more of a scientific process and we know that each oil
has what we call a saponification value, which means we can calculate exactly how much
caustic soda is needed to neutralise the oils, resulting in mild, moisturising soaps that
don’t damage the skin or its natural oil content. Furthermore, during the saponification
process, glycerine is produced naturally and is extremely moisturising to the skin.


Q: Does your soap contain lye?
A: Soaps, both handmade and commercial are initially made by using lye (sodium
hydroxide) or a similar caustic agent. The process of soap making is a chemical
reaction. When made properly, no lye remains in the finished product; it is simply
the method needed for turning oils into soap.

Q: Will natural soap help eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis?
A: Soaps are not allowed to be promoted as having curative or medicinal properties
because they are not accredited or certified as ‘medicines’. However, from my own
experience with these types of skin conditions, they have certainly made a
difference in my life and for many of our regular customers too. Because they
contain NO synthetic ingredients or chemicals there is much less risk of an allergic

Q: Why does Howe Natural soap cost more than supermarket soap?
A: We use the best natural ingredients that we can find and make each batch of soap
by hand; no mass-production machinery used.

Q: How long does a bar of soap last?
A: Most couples tell us that a bar of our soap will last around four to five weeks,
provided of course that it is allowed to dry out in between uses and not left standing
in water (and not letting hubby stay in the shower for half an hour)!

If you have any further questions about natural soap, please don’t hesitate to email us

How to Make Puree (Non Cooked Fruit/Vegetable)

Dalam tulisan ini, saya menunjukkan cara membuat puree untuk buah buahan yang tidak perlu dikukus dulu sebelum diblender.

Contoh puree di bawah ini menggunakan buah pisang.

Buah yang tidak perlu dikukus sebelum dibuat puree antara lain alpukat, ketimun, pisang, mangga matang, pepaya matang, pear matang

How To Make Banana Puree

Step 1: Select & Buy Fresh Bananas

Fresh Bananas

Like avocados, bananas have a smooth, squishy texture that's easy for babies to mash between their gums. They're an ideal first fruit after babies have tried several different kinds of veggies; serve the puree plain or mixed with a veggie or baby cereal. In the U.S., bananas are inexpensive and bursting with sweetness in summer, but imported bananas are available all year long in grocery stores. Choose bananas with blemish-free yellow peel. Green peel means the banana is underripe, while peel with too many brown spots means it's past its prime, or nearly past its prime. One medium fresh banana mixed with formula or breastmilk yields 6 to 8 ounces of puree. 

Step 2: Wash, Peel & Slice the Banana

peeling banana
Wash the banana with a mixture of three parts water and one part white vinegar to remove bacteria. Rinse under cool running water, dry, and peel. Discard the peel and the ends of the banana. Slice the rest of the banana into pieces and then cut each piece into quarters. 

Step 3: Puree or Mash the Banana

mashing bananas
Puree in a food processor or blender until smooth. (Fresh banana has a light purple-brown color when pureed.) Add water as needed to reach desired consistency. For extra creaminess, puree the banana with breastmilk or formula instead of water.
For chunkier banana, which is ideal for babies 10 months or older, mash it with a potato masher instead of pureeing it.

Step 4: Serve Banana Puree
Sweet banana puree is delicious plain, but it also mixes well with tart or mild-flavored fruit purees.
Try mixing banana puree with:
Sweet banana puree
Full-fat Greek yogurt

Step 5: Freeze Leftover Banana Puree
Freeze Leftover Banana Puree
Refrigerate leftover banana puree in BPA-free containers for up to 3 days. Freeze leftovers for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in your refrigerator.
Note: Always check with your pediatrician before introducing your baby to a new food, particularly if your baby has food allergies. Additionally, some pediatricians do not recommend making your own carrot, beet, or spinach puree because these fresh veggies can be higher in nitrates.

How to make puree (Cooked Fruit/Vegetable)

Tutorial ini memakai wortel sebagai contoh. Bahan yang bisa dijadikan pure cukup banyak, Contoh: wortel, pumpkin dan buah buahan (yang belum matang benar) seperti pear, peach, strawberry, dan lain lain. Apabila buah sudah matang benar, anda tidak perlu mengukusnya.

Cara membuat puree yaitu dengan mengukus dulu bahan yang akan dijadikan puree, siram dengan air es untuk menghentikan proses pematangan, tunggu sampai dingin, lalu blender sampai halus.
Bukan hanya bisa digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan untuk sabun, puree ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai makanan bayi usia minimal 6 bulan :)

Note: Untuk alpukat, pisang, ketimun, buah tidak perlu dikukus dulu, setelah dicuci bersih dan dipotong2, buah bisa langsung di blender. Tutorial puree pisang akan dijelaskan pada post terpisah.

How to Make Carrot Puree

Step 1: Select & Buy Carrots

Carrot is a very versatile veggie; after baby has mastered single-vegetable purees, you can mix carrots with a variety of fruits, other veggies, and meats. Look for firm carrots with a smooth exterior and a rich orange color. One medium carrot yields about three ounces of puree. (Note: Some pediatricians recommend that you feed your baby commercially-produced carrot puree instead of fresh, due to nitrates; consult your doctor for advice.)

Step 2: Wash and Prep the Carrot
 peeling carrots

Rinse the carrot in cold water and peel with a veggie peeler. Remove greens. Dice into small pieces.

Step 3: Cook the Carrot
 boiling carrots

Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Reduce heat (until bubbles are soft) and cook carrot until tender (about 10 to 15 minutes). Drain carrot and rinse with cold water for three minutes to stop the cooking process.

Step 4: Puree the Carrot

 puree carrots
Puree cooked carrot in a food processor or blender until smooth. Add water as needed to reach desired consistency. Once your baby is ready for finger foods, typically around 10 months, you can serve her carrot that's been cooked and cut into tiny pieces.

Step 5: Serve Carrot Puree
Carrot is delicious alone or mixed with a variety of other veggies, fruits, and meats. Try mixing carrot puree with:
Green beans
Butternut squash
Sweet potatoes
Russet potatoes
Brown Rice

Step 6: Refrigerate or Freeze Leftover Carrot Puree

 Freeze Leftover Carrot Puree

Cool carrot puree and refrigerate leftovers in BPA-free containers for up to 3 days. Freeze leftovers for up to three months. Thaw overnight in your refrigerator.


Manfaat Coklat Bagi Kulit

 Coklat bukan hanya enak dimakan lho... Manfaatnya juga banyak bagi kulit ^__^

Baca deh artikel ini...
Ga aneh kan kalau kita mandi dengan sabun coklat? Selain itu, sudah banyak spa yang menyediakan spa coklat ^__^

Chocolate and beauty
The good news is some chocolate can have significant beauty benefits. The not terribly bad news is, the only chocolate that can deliver these benefits is dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content—which doesn’t apply to most treats found in the candy aisle at the grocery store, so choose wisely.

On the heart front, “cocoa contains naturally occurring plant substances called flavonoids that help keep platelets less sticky, decreasing your risk for heart attack or stroke from a clot,” explains Kristin Kirkpatrick, R.D., M.S., Wellness Manager for Cleveland Clinic's Lifestyle 180 program, and YouBeauty Nutrition Advisor.

According to Kirkpatrick, dark chocolate relaxes blood vessels, which in turn reduces blood pressure. Several studies suggest that it may also be a feel-good treat that increases production of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters.

Dark chocolate also helps combat beauty’s public enemy number one: Stress. Cocoa helps reduce stress hormones, which means less collagen breakdown in the skin, and fewer wrinkles.

Flavonols (the type of flavonoid found in chocolate) help your skin look its best. Flavonols are antioxidants that help your skin protect itself from UV damage (hello, fewer wrinkles) fight free radicals (so long, sun spots) and increase blood flow (i.e. dewy glow!).

In one study, flavonols in dark chocolate even improved skin hydration and thickness—both mega important for young-looking skin.


Antioxidant Goodies in Dark Chocolate

The cacao bean

Chocolate comes from the bean of cacao fruit. Cacao beans have been used medicinally for thousands of years. Fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidants — molecules that protect skin from environmental damage — containing 10,000 milligrams of flavanol antioxidants for every 100 grams of cacao. Compared to other foods, they’re among the best sources of antioxidants.

Antioxidants 101

Here’s how antioxidants fight free radicals and slow down damage.

  1. Free radicals. Our world contains harmful pollution, radiation, smoke and other chemicals, which create unstable molecules called free radicals. These unstable molecules “steal” electrons from nearby stable molecules. As a result, the formerly-stable molecules turn into free radicals, and a chain reaction ensues. So, what’s so bad about these free radicals? They can cause wrinkles, elasticity loss, skin damage and even cancer.
  2. Antioxidants. Fortunately, antioxidants save the day by donating one of their own electrons. This donation neutralizes the unhealthy chain reaction of free radicals. Even after donating an electron, antioxidants don’t become free radicals themselves. Instead, they remain stable and unaffected.

Skin benefits

Might prevent signs of aging. Because antioxidants in cacao defend against free radicals, they might be able to stave off lines, wrinkles and discoloration.

Might offer UV protection. According to a study in The Journal of Nutrition, participants who drank a special chocolate drink every day for 12 weeks experienced “25 percent less skin redness in response to UV exposure and also improved their skin texture and hydration,” writes Rory Evans in Allure.


Carrot Benefits for Skin

Carrot juice is awesome because it offers a lot of benefits for our overall health. However, it can really help to improve your skin health too. You can use it internally for detox or externally to get rid of scars. Regular consumption of carrot juice will help you get an even complexion. Let's discuss the various carrot juice benefits for skin.

Carrot Juice Skin Benefits
1.  Pottasium-rich carrot juice prevents skin dryness
2.  Carrot juice helps to reduce blemishes and scars
3.  Drinking the juice keeps body and skin well-hydrated
4.  It's a common ingredient in many skin-care products
5.  Carrots contains essential oils which help in good digestion, and thus prevent acne
6.  It has anti-inflammatory property, and helps to revitalize and tone the skin
7.  Drinking the juice regularly will keep your skin moisturized, smooth, soft and supple
8.  Carrot juice is also helpful for treating uneven skin tones, which occurs due to pigmentation
9.  Vitamin A, necessary for tissue growth is in abundance in carrots and you can avoid supplements

10.  Antioxidants prevent skin problems like eczema, dermatitis, wrinkles and even rashes
11.  Carotenoids and antioxidants increase the skin's immunity against sun and help in healing sunburn
12.  Vitamin C helps in collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles

Importance of Regular Consumption

Consuming carrot juice regularly, for a long-term will lead to well-hydrated glowing skin. Thus, the skin will not get dry and skin conditions like eczema can be avoided. Also, long-term use of carrot juice will avoid pre-mature aging because of its rich antioxidant content. So, you will prevent wrinkles, and those who have wrinkles will see a reduction in the intensity of wrinkles and dark skin spots.

Other Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

• Vitamin A in carrot is essential for good vision.
• A lot of research is going on to find out a possible association between carrot juice and cancer. Carrot juice contains many essential vitamins and minerals which help in the prevention of cancer.
• Drinking carrot juice removes indigestible fibers from the body.
• Carrot juice increases the overall immunity of the body.
• A daily intake of 1 cup of carrot juice also helps in the prevention of heart diseases, and reduces the possibility of a stroke.
Carrot Juice Facts

Many people tend to apply carrot pulp to their skin topically to get rid of blemishes/scars, however carrot juice benefits better for skin health if consumed internally.

Carrot is rich in nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. A cup, that is about 240 ml of carrot juice, contains only 90 calories.

So drink 1 cup (8 ounces) of carrot juice daily but do not drink more than this amount, as it won't be absorbed by the body. Also, over-consumption of carrot juice can turn your complexion yellowish-orange temporarily.

Diabetics should drink less amount of carrot juice, because it contains a lot of natural sugar.

If you don't like the taste of carrot juice, mixing carrot juice with other food juices is a good idea. Some tasty combinations are carrot and orange, carrot and mango, carrot and blackberry, banana and carrot, beet and carrot, pineapple and carrot, etc. In this way you are including more nutrients in the juice, and at the same time you will be making it more appetizing.

For gaining the maximum benefits of carrot juice for skin and overall health; always try to drink juice made of fresh carrots. Avoid bottled carrot juices. I am sure, now that you know the various carrot juice benefits, you would also include a daily cup of carrot juice in your diet, for a healthy skin and body.

Read more at Buzzle:

Monday, June 3, 2013

Papaya for Your Skin

Papaya is the best bet when it comes to skin care. It is a good source of Vitamin A and papain. Vitamin A acts as an anti-oxidant, while the papain breaks down inactive proteins and removes dead skin cells. The best feature of the fruit is its low sodium quality.Since the salt content is less, the water retention is also little. The result is an overall hydrated skin.

  • Papaya is abundant in anti-oxidants due to the huge concentration of Vitamin A
  • 'Papain' in Papaya is helpful in removing the dead skin cells so applying papaya on the skin will exfoliate your skin in the most gentle and natural way
  • Use mashed papaya for cracked and sore heels
  • Rub the Papaya peel on your face after eating the papaya. Let it stay for no more than 5 minutes and wash off with cold water. The AHA's (alpha-hydroxy acids), which are the most coveted ingredients of today for their anti-aging properties, are in abundance in Papaya which makes it an acidic fruit. If you apply Papaya for more time, it would cause dryness and might even irritate sensitive skins. 
  • Papaya is a great skin-firming and anti-aging mask. Mash the uneaten Papaya with or without milk and apply on your face. It helps in removing blemishes, dark spots, evens out your skin tone and brings a glow to your face.
  • Papaya is, again, a natural exfoliator.
  • Mix mashed Papaya with honey for a hydrating skin mask.

Papaya soap for skin whitening

Papaya soap used for skin whitening typically contains a special formulation of ingredients such as water, glycerine and papaya that causes skin to lose its pigmentation. The main cause is the papaya, which contains papain, an enzyme that helps make skin lighter and softer.

Papaya Soap Skin Exfoliation
Papaya soap works because the papain enzyme gradually exfoliates skin, ridding it of dead layers and subduing melanin. After prolonged use, it leads to a lighter complexion and softer skin.

However, skin whitening as a result of the use of papaya soap does not happen overnight. Though it varies from individual to individual, you should be patient with the results, as it could take time and repeated use.

To prevent whitened skin from reverting to its original colour, use the soap regularly. In addition, using soap with a higher percentage of papain will lead to faster and more long-lasting lightening.

Long-Term Effect
The skin-lightning effects of papaya soap are not permanent. Those who use the product often report that their skin gradually darkens after they stop using it. Consequently, only continued use will ensure that skin remains lightened.

Always apply a moisturiser if you are using papaya soap, as its exfoliating effect can dry skin. Older individuals should be particularly diligent, as their skin typically has less moisture and elasticity.

Other Benefits
Aside from exfoliating and whitening skin, papaya soap is a refreshing cleanser that is ideal for those who wear make-up because it strips it away and lets pores breathe. In addition, the soap does not leave deposits or residue on skin.

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