Friday, May 24, 2013

Salt Benefits for Skin (Sea Salt & Himalayan Salt)

Ada dua macam garam yang biasa kami gunakan untuk membuat salt bar kami.
Di luar sana, salt bar soap sudah merupakan hal biasa sebagaimana sugar scrub. Disini sepertinya masih jarang ya? banyak yang masih heran mendengar kata: Salt bar soap. Padahal, memakai salt bar soap 2 - 3 kali seminggu, kulit menjadi licin dan sehat lho....
Bagi yang ingin mengkombinasikan antara scrub dengan salt bar, kami mengkombinasikan garam halus (fine salt) dengan kasar (coarse) yang kami pakai untuk salt bar kami  ^__^

Salt Bar kami menggunakan dua macam garam, yaitu sea salt atau himalayan salt. Tidak boleh menggunakan dead sea salt karena dead sea salt akan membuat sabun anda basah berair (seperti orang keringatan) selama masa curing. Basenya bisa menggunakan air maupun susu.

Berikut ini artikel mengenai sea salt dan himalayan salt:


Sea salt is growing in popularity not just on the dining room table, but in skin products as well. It can be found in a variety of different forms to be used in bath salts, soaps and exfoliating scrubs. Sea salt is made by taking water from either oceans or saline lakes and letting the water evaporate to leave the salts behind, whereas table salt is mined from salt deposits in the earth and heavily processed to produce "clean" salt.

Sea salt on its own is an excellent exfoliating treatment, and according to is found as a primary ingredient in many high-end spa treatments. In a June 2010 article in the "San Jose Mercury News," Lisa Price, founder of Carol's Daughter, a natural beauty product retailer, recommends paying attention to the grade of sea salt used to exfoliate. Sea salt used to rub into the skin shouldn't have rough, sharp edges. The texture of the sea salt should be smooth to the touch, as you want it to gently slough off the dead skin cells, not scratch the skin. It can also be used as a rub to exfoliate and soften tough skin.

Stress Reducer
Greeks and Romans both used warm seawater as a therapy to help people relax. This is now called talassotherapy, a word derived from the old Greek word thalassa that means sea. According to, sea salt bath therapy provides psychological benefits and improves quality of sleep.

Sea salt is a natural detoxifier, as the salt absorbs the toxins from the skin. Make a paste out of sea salt and water, apply it to your skin and leave it on for one minute before you get into the shower. Massage the salt off gently in the shower as you bathe. This will not only help detoxify your skin, but will help exfoliate dead skin cells as you rinse it off.

Additional Benefits
Increased circulation, antiseptic effects, soft skin without a greasy feel and reduction in fluid retention are just some of the additional benefits of sea salt for the skin. Since sea salt does not go through the same manufacturing processes as table salt, the minerals from the sea remain, giving sea salts different colorings depending on where they are from. Many of these minerals also provide nutrients and benefits to the skin.

Sea salt contains skin nourishing minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium and iodine.  Some of the many benefits include:
- relaxes skin muscles
- cleanses and detoxifies face and body
- sea salts draw toxins out of the body, which will naturally lead to feeling refreshed
- grainy and therefore makes for a great scrub
- increases blood circulation

Read more:

Himalayan Salt

Before the advent of modern-day medicine, people used salts for centuries to heal themselves. Himalayan salt is a pink salt that can be found in the Himalayan Mountains. Dr. Janet Star, alternative health and nutrition expert, states that biophysical research on this pink salt has identified crystals that contain the 84 essential minerals required to sustain human life. Because of this, Himalayan salt can be a natural and chemical-free alternative to traditional table salt. Himalayan salt has no additives and can alleviate the symptoms of a variety of conditions.

Dental Hygiene
Himalayan salt can be used to maintain good oral hygiene. Add some of the salt to water, and let the crystals dissolve. Then use it for a good gargle to stop halitosis. If you have sore and bleeding gums, gargling three to four times a day with a Himalayan salt and water solution can help. An infected tooth can be painful and make your entire body hurt. Using Himalayan salt with water and swishing it around the sore tooth can help draw out the pathogens and kill bacteria and germs.

Himalayan salt aids in certain disorders of the skin such as acne. It works by drawing out toxins. The toxins that are in the body as well as under the skin can be one of the causes of skin disorders such as acne. Himalayan salt can be purchased in the form of a bar and can be used to wash the face. It can also be dissolved in water and used as a face wash. There are also recipes available online and at health food stores for making facial scrubs that can also assist in the treatment of acne.

A Study of Health and Himalayan Salt
A study conducted at the University of Graz in Austria found that people who drank water containing Himalayan crystal salt daily experienced improvement in respiratory conditions, organ functions, and connective tissues. Participants also reported sleeping better and having more energy. The study noted a boost in the ability to achieve higher concentration levels. Some of the study participants stated they lost unwanted weight while others involved in the study showed enhanced hair and nail growth.

Himalayan Salt Sole (Solay) Health Benefits
Many conditions can be treated with a mixture called sole. Sole can be made by placing several crystal salt stones in a 12-ounce jar with a wooden or plastic lid, adding 12 to 16 oz. of water, and letting it sit for 24 hours, or until the crystals have dissolved. Drinking 2 to 3 tbsp. daily can help prevent colds and flu and aid in weight loss. It can be rubbed on cuts and scrapes to help in healing. Adding a half cup to a bath soak can help with arthritic pain. A teaspoon of sole in a nettle pot can facilitate healing of sinuses.

Read more:

My Top 10 Health Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt
10.  Provides relief for skin conditions such as psoraisis and skin rashes.
9.  Natural pink and light red colors from the high mineral and iron content.
8.  Considered one of the purest salts in the world coming from the clean rivers and lakes of the Himalayan Mountains.
7.  Smooths, softens and cleans skin - I never thought I'd say salt makes your skin soft, but it truly does!
6.  Helps strengthen our immune system.
5.  Soothes aches and pains.
4.  Has 84 trace elements such as potassium, calcium and iron.  Iron aids in transporting oxygen to our cells and gives it it's red color.
3.  Relaxing and helps you sleep deeper.
2.  Provides relief for colds and the flu.

And for my #1 Health Benefit........Big Drum Roll.....
1.  Good for water retention and PMS!

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